Celeste's thoughts on Avatar the Last Air Bender Season 1

This weeks topic of discussion is season 1 of Avatar the Last Air Bender.

You may be thinking what gets a cat like myself interested in such a show? Well, look no further than the image above. Momo is a beloved animal (like myself)from the air temple (again, I as well descended from the skies), which is the home of the Avatar Aang. The Avatar represents light and peace and has a direct connection to the spirit world. He has many past lives and continues to be reborn in order to maintain/restore peace to the world, and bring a sense of hope. Although, some suggest I have a resemblance to Momo, I personally connect more with the Avatar, as I was also born to bring light and joy to those who are fortunate enough to encounter me. 

Aang was discovered by brother and sister Sokka and Katara who come from a family of water benders and live in the South Pole. Aang was frozen in a sphere alongside another air temple creature named Appa, who is a bison who can fly. Aang is awakened to the nation being invaded by the Fire Nation. Therefore, he has to master all 4 elements, which include Air, Fire, Earth, and Water, in order to defeat the Fire Lord. As a being who dabbles in fantasy media, this has been a very comedic and yet heartfelt tv show, with also a dab of romance. Currently streaming on Netflix, I recommend this to any fantasy enthusiast. I cried, I laughed, and felt immense joy while watching the first season of Avatar. 



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